Image Gallery Media Item

To create an Image Gallery:

  1. Log in to Drupal.

  2. Hover over My Sites in the upper left toolbar. 

  3. Click on the site in need of an Image Gallery.

  4. Once at the site, hover over the yellow title of the site in the upper left to reveal an options list.

  5. Select Add new pane > Slideshow.

  6. Provide a title for the new pane.

  7. Optionally, provide a Subtitle and Abstract.

  8. Under Choose Slideshow or Gallery, choose Image Gallery. (If you don't see these options, click Choose Slideshow or Gallery to expand).

  9. Ignore the Slideshow settings area.

  10. Add your gallery images as though they are "slides". Make sure to include the following:

    1. Alternate text - provides important contextual information for visitors

    2. Caption - visible when an image thumbnail has been clicked and the image is in fullscreen/"lightbox" mode

    3. Image credit (depending on the images terms of use, this may be required)

  11. Save your Image Gallery by clicking the green Save button at the bottom of the screen.

  • While logged in to Drupal, navigate to the page that should receive the Image Gallery Media Item.

  • Locate the editing tabs above the page content, and click New Draft.

  • Find and click the blue bar labeled Image, Slideshow and Video to expand options.

  • Once expanded, scroll down to the blue Media Item bar ( clicking to expand it if necessary).

  • Use the drop-down to choose an existing Media Item from your site, or from another site on

  • After selecting the Media Item (in this case, you'll want to find the item with the title you created in the previous steps), you can preview the item you've just chosen by clicking on the Preview Pane link below the selected item.  Doing so opens a new window containing the item.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page.

  • Select the desired Moderation State of the page (Published or Draft).

  • Click Save.

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