Transferring files to/from Strelka

There are several ways to copy files from your computer to Strelka.

macOS/Linux command line

Use scp command on your computer to copy files to Strelka:

scp <path to file on your computer> <your username>@strelka:/home/<your username>

Here is an example of user Alice Paul copying a files from a folder on her computer to her home directory on Strelka:

scp /Users/apaul1/votingdata/data.csv apaul1@strelka:/home/apaul1

It also works to copy files from Strelka to your computer:

scp <your username>@strelka:<path to file on Strelka> <path to folder on your computer>

Use the -r flag to copy multiple files or folders.  Here is an example of user Alice Paul copying all the .csv files from a folder on her computer to her home directory on Strelka:

Windows Options

PuTTY SCP (PSCP) is a command line version of SCP for Windows.  

WinSCP is an open source file transfer application.  

CyberDuck graphical file transfer for macOS/Windows/Linux

CyberDuck is a free graphical program that can be used to transfer files to and from Strelka.  Download and install CyberDuck and then set up an SFTP connection to Strelka.

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