Move One WordPress Site to Another

You can export content from one WordPress site and import it into another WordPress site by following the steps below. This may be helpful when setting up a new Moodle WordPress blog each semester.

Export from the Old WordPress Site

  1. Login to the WordPress site you want to export content from. This could be from a previous WordPress site in Moodle or from a previous WordPress site created outside of Moodle.

  2. In the Dashboard, select the Tools option on the lefthand side menu and choose Export.

  3. Once you select "Export" you will be prompted to select what type of content you’d like to export. The default is to export "All Content" which includes all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus, and custom posts. However, you can choose specific content.

  4. Next, click "Download Export File".

  5. When you click the Download Export File button, WordPress will create an .XML file for you to save to your computer.

Import to the New WordPress Site

  1. Login to your new WordPress site (the one you want to import the content to), 

  2. In the Dashboard, select the "Tools" option on the lefthand side menu and choose "Import".

  3. You will see multiple installers you can use to import your site from. However, you want to use the WordPress Installer, so scroll down to the one that says "WordPress" and select "Run Importer"

  4. In the Import WordPress window, click "Choose File" and select the .XML file you just created during the export process. Then click "Upload File and Import."

Assign Authors and Import Attachments

  1. Next, you will be prompted to assign your previous posts to an author on the new site. You can select yourself or another user to assign posts to.

  2. Also on this page, it is highly recommended you check the "Download and import file attachments" button. You must check this box in order to move your site images or files to the new site. When not checked, your media files will not be imported and you will have to either repeat the previous steps or move the files manually.

  3. Once you've done those steps, click "Submit" and you are all done.

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