Creating Project Pages on GitHub Enterprise

Like public GitHub, Swarthmore's GitHub Enterprise installation is also capable of creating simple pages for a given repository. Keep in mind that the page will only be viewable by Swarthmore community members.

Although there are more advanced methods for creating GitHub pages, the following instructions will address two basic workflows:

GitHub Automatic Page Generator

  1. Log into Github Enterprise and navigate to your project repository

  2. Click on the repository settings icon on the right side of the screen

  3. From the Repository Settings page, scroll down until you see the section marked GitHub Pages

  4. Click on the button marked Launch automatic page generator. This will take you through a series of steps resulting in your completed GitHub Page

Manually create a GitHub Page

  1. Log into Github Enterprise and navigate to your project repository

  2. Create a new branch titled gh-pages

  3. Add an index.html file to the gh-pages branch

  4. Add your project page content to the index.html file

After completing one of the sets of instructions listed above, your new page will be available by visiting the following URL: 
(Be sure to replace "your-username" and "your-project-name" with the appropriate information).

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