Stat Block Pane

The Stat Block pane type displays a simple donut chart visualization that represents a single statistic as a percentage.

  1. Under the YOUR SITE - Site Administration dropdown, hover over Add new pane and select Stat Block to create a new pane.

  2. Provide a Title for the Stat Block.

  3. Optionally, add an Abstract to provide your audience with additional context to explain the data.

  4. Provide the number to be displayed as a percentage. For example, if you intended to show that 56 percent of Swarthmore’s student body received financial aid in 2018–19, you would type 56 in this field.

  5. Optionally, provide a short Percentage Label. Note that this label must be extremely concise, because it appears in the very small space within the donut chart.

  6. Click Save to create your new pane.

  7. To place the newly created pane on your page:

    1. Click Arrange Panes.

    2. Click the little grey gear icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Additional Content region of your page, and then click Add content.

    3. Find and click on your newly created pane under Existing Site Panes > Stat Block Panes. You can now arrange the order of your panes by dragging and dropping the item. 

    4. Click Save to save a draft of your page. You can set the Moderation state to Published if you would like to publish the pane to your page.

Screenshot of Stat Block pane type

Screenshot of Stat Block pane type

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