Logging into Strelka

If off campus, VPN is required to connect to Strelka

Connecting with macOS and Linux

Start the Terminal program on your computer and enter the following command (replace "username" with your Swarthmore username).  Usernames are case sensitive, so use all lowercase letters.  

ssh username@strelka.swarthmore.edu

Once logged in, you will be in your home directory (/home/username) on Strelka.  You are connected to the head node which is where you can manage your files, compile programs, and submit jobs to the cluster. If you would like to run graphical applications, please see these instructions.

If you have multiple SSH keys or they are stored in a non-standard location, you may need to specify the location of the specific private key to use.

Connecting with Windows

Follow the instructions on the Connect to Strelka from Windows page. 

Ways you can contact ITS or find information:

ITS Support Portal: https://support.swarthmore.edu
Email: support@swarthmore.edu
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at https://swatkb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/remote/overview
Check our homepage at https://swarthmore.edu/its